We are working together for Alaska's Economic Future

Decisions made in Washington impact Alaska's economy

We are business leaders, labor leaders, and individuals from across the political spectrum who are putting differences aside to fight for Alaska jobs. We will advocate for decisions made at the federal level that grow Alaska’s economy.

We support policies that benefit Alaska's economy

Alaska Jobs Coalition is a diverse bipartisan group of business and labor leaders that believes in practical, hardworking public officials focused on the state's best interests rather than party-first politics. We support thoughtful, predictable natural resource development policies leading to jobs and economic opportunities for our families. 

We are committed to fostering a robust economy, holding leaders accountable for job creation and strengthening Alaska through key investments in areas like infrastructure and education. The coalition invites all Alaskans to join in advocating for political action that prioritizes a robust Alaska economy over partisan politics, ensuring long-term benefits for our state.

AJC policy priorities include:

• Protecting existing Alaska jobs

• Common sense resource development 

• Securing federal support to improve Alaska’s infrastructure/broadband

• Promoting Alaska-first fisheries policies

• Training a skilled Alaska workforce

• Lowering Alaska’s cost-of-living


  • Andrew Guy

    Andrew Guy

  • Bob Shefchick

    Bob Shefchik

  • Barbara Wáahlaal Gíidaak Blake

    Barbara Wáahlaal Gíidaak Blake

  • Doug Tansy

    Doug Tansy

  • Gary Dixon

    Gary Dixon

  • Heidi Drygas

    Heidi Drygas

  • Joelle Hall

    Joelle Hall

  • Joey Merrick

    Joey Merrick

  • Matt Singer

    Matt Singer

We welcome your feedback!